OC | Question 102, 103, & 104
102. What is the first commandment?
A: You shall have no other gods before me.
103. What does God require in the first commandment?
A: That as dearly as I render the salvation of my own soul, so earnestly should I shun and flee all idolatry, sorcery, enchantments, superstitions, praying to saints, or any other creatures, and should rightly acknowledge the only and true God, trust in Him alone, submit and subject myself to Him with all humility and patience, look for all good things from Him alone, and lastly with the entire affection of my heart, love, reverence, and worship Him, so that I am ready to renounce and forsake all creatures rather than to commit the least thing that may be against His will.
104. What is idolatry?
A: It is in place of that one God, or besides that one true God who has manifested Himself in His word and works, to make or imagine, and account any other thing in which I rest my hope and confidence.