OC | Question 54 & 55

54. What do you understand by “the communion of saints”?

First, that believers one and all, as members of this community, share in Christ and in all his treasures and gifts.161 Second, that each member should consider it a duty to use these gifts readily and cheerfully for the service and enrichment of the other members.162

^ 161. Rom. 8:32; 1 Cor. 6:17; 12:4-7, 12-13; 1 John 1:3
^ 162. Rom. 12:4-8; 1 Cor. 12:20-27; 13:1-7; Phil. 2:4-8

55. What do you believe concerning “the forgiveness of sins”?

I believe that God, because of Christ’s atonement, will never hold against me any of my sins 163 nor my sinful nature which I need to struggle against all my life.164 Rather, in his grace God grants me the righteousness of Christ to free me forever from judgment.165


OC | Question 56 & 57


OC | Question 53